Aadhar — 1.1 billion
In March 2018, Aadhar discovered that their database was accessed by an unauthorized person. The personal data of Indian residents, which includes their name, ID numbers and bank account information, were affected.
Aadhar is an Indian government ID database in which the Indian citizen’s identity and biometric info is stored. The system has not secured their API, through which anyone can get access to Aadhar information and database.
Marriott Starwood hotels — 500 million
Marriott International announced that their database has been accessed by an unauthorized person and their guest information which includes their phone number, email address, passport numbers, reservation method, and payment card number has been leaked. They have copied the stolen guest information and it has happened around 2014 –Sept 2018.
Exactis — 340 million
In June 2018 Exactis suffered from a data breach in which detail information of millions of people and business which includes their phone numbers, addresses, personal interests, and characteristics etc were accessed.
MyFitnessPal — 150 million
In February 2018, an unauthorized party gained access to MyFitnessPal through a user accounts. They have stolen Usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords of the users.
Quora — 100 million
In November 2018, Quora experienced malicious party access to one of their system. The third party has gained access to account information, names of users, their email address, encrypted password, and the users Q&As.
MyHeritage — 92 million
MyHeritage suffered 92 million of a data breach on October 26, 2017. The cybercriminals have affected the emails addresses and encrypted passwords of users of the services.
Cambridge Analytica — 87 million
A professor at the University of Cambridge developed an App called thisisyourdigital life. It passed the user’s information to the third party who included Cambridge Analytica. The firm has also assisted President Trump’s presidential campaign by creating targeted ads.
The App was only available for Facebook users and around 270,000 Facebook users installed the App. The App gathered data from millions of the Facebook user’s friends due to Facebook’s data sharing policies at the time.
In 2015, Facebook profiles and data identifying user’s preferences and interest were affected.