Developed firms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Dropbox, Citrix, Microsoft or Google, all cloud storage vendors use the same way to sync and copy to a centralized cloud server cluster. Millions of users are using the central cloud clusters to store and access to files daily.
The cloud-based storage system has been trending since last decade but centralized server architecture has some weaknesses which are as follow.
Loss of control
Reliance on a cloud-based infrastructure means taking the risk of outsourcing everything. The cloud computing platforms are providing the best security practice, storing sensitive data and important files on servers which belong to external providers.
In a centralized cloud-based infrastructure, the server misconfiguration leads to data leakage. Data on a public cloud can be legally accessed by the server providers, law enforcement agencies and foreign powers.
Unexpected expenses
The cloud’s pay-as-you-go model, in the long run, can turn out to be more expensive. Syncing the users and their devices to the cloud also lead to increase bandwidth.
Vendor lock-in another disadvantage for cloud computing as switching between cloud platforms leads to configuration complexities, additional costs, and downtime. During the migration process, compromises lead to security and privacy vulnerabilities.
Single point of failure
One of the best examples is the configuration error on Google cloud server which interrupts the services for up to four and a half hours. It also affected huge brands like Snapchat, Vimeo, Shopify, Discord, and Pokemon GO. The cloud-based infrastructures are based on the internet which faces service outage at any time due to any reason. In a centralized system, once the central controller got compromised, your data will also be compromised.
Decentralizing the cloud
Some newly developed platform plan to overcome the above challenges by focusing on decentralizing the cloud infrastructure through AI and blockchain. The new cloud model will support scalable applications while retaining safeguards of a decentralized, trust-minimized ecosystem.
In a decentralized model, the central server acts a switchboard which implements policies and creates point-to-point connections between data stored at endpoints. In the coming future, the data generated by IoT devices will be stored at the edge of a network. It uses the power of edge computing which will move processes and storage devices to the edge of a network. Using an edge computing will enable endpoints to have their cloud functionality that will enable access, sharing, collaboration, and file management.