Cybercriminals have started using crypto mining software to infect enterprise infrastructure. They are using cryptojacking to have a fixed, reliable, and constant income stream and are very clever in hiding their malware.
Cryptojacking is hidden and secretive and is harder for enterprises to detect it. They are working hard to find any sign of critical data being encrypted in a ransomware attack. The damage caused by a cryptojacking is real and isn’t always clear and understandable. If the crypto jacking infects the cloud infrastructure or electric bills than it may impact the finance immediately. It can also reduce productivity and performance once it enters the machine.
If your CPU is not specifically made for crypto mining then it will cause damage to the entire hardware or may slow down its speed. If an enterprise detects one attack, there will be three or four attacks that will get by automatically.
A well trained neural network can stop crypto miners. Some enterprises are using machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect crypto mining or attack.
Network crypto mining defense
There are so many firms that have started working on how to detect crypto mining at the network level. Detection of crypto mining is very tricky, it can be on smartphones, IoT devices, laptops, personal computer, and server. It can be intentional or unintentional.
One of the best and easiest ways to detect crypto mining is through monitoring the network for suspicious activity. To mine a cryptocurrency, it is necessary to communicate, receive new hashes and calculate them then return them to the servers and put them in the correct wallet.
Detecting crypto mining is difficult because the malware attackers use different techniques to confuse the users, and the message is actually very short. Crypto mining traffic is difficult because it resembles other common ways of communication. Enterprise with larger employees and a huge amount of data can face lots of challenge to detect it as it is difficult to go over the huge amount of data that already have.
After a few months of internal development and research, SecBI’s system has learned to detect cryptojacking and classifying them correctly. It can also take immediate corrective action just like issuing a new rule to the firewall to isolate the traffic from the unauthorized site and block it.
Darktrace is another enterprise which can easily analyze network traffic and detect crypto mining. They have anomaly detection at their network level and has the ability to capture subtle deviation on the computer systems.