Nowadays everything is connected to the internet and security is becoming more vulnerable. Larger business faces threats of cyber attacks and breaches. The employee within an organization plays an important role in security so the attackers use human error to exploit cyberattacks. Given below are a few tips that every employee should use to protect sensitive and personal data from attackers.
Safe habits each employee should practice
- The employees should keep their devices, email and other social media account password very strong. The password should include numbers, upper and lower case letters and should be longer.
- The employees should keep sensitive login credentials private.
- Each employee should have an idea of fraudulent emails and attachment.
- Check the internet connection at home to stay safe.
- The employees should not download any software without permission and from a non-trusted site.
An employee should be aware of insider threats
Protecting from external threat is important for every business but ignoring the internal threat keeps the organization vulnerable to cyber attacks. The inside threat to a business can be caused by malicious insiders or accidental.
When an employee unintentionally deletes or compromise data with a permission is accidental. Employees can cause damage to the security by well-intentioned and harmful actions that lead to cyber attacks.
There is always a malicious actor inside an organization and the firm should be aware of it. The malicious actor can be a fired employee, ex-employees who have sensitive data and can sell it or have the logic of an organization.
Non-technical practices
Cyber attacks can not only be prevented by strong passwords, blocking malware, and managing permissions. There are some non-technical or physical security tips to prevent a cyber attack.
- Organization devices should be used for office work only. Don’t allow any strangers to use the organization devices.
- While traveling around or enjoying free time like at a coffee shop, shopping etc do not use devices in front of everyone. Search for places where no one can see over your shoulders.
- Use a dim screen on your device while using the devices in public.
- Do not discuss sensitive information or set a meeting in a coffee shop or anywhere else where anyone can eavesdrop on the conservation.
- Having a strong password is important on devices and do not use official devices in public.