Every firm uses different strategies to upgrade its security system for ransomware and other attacks. Backup is one of the most recommended parts of the ransom strategy. The ransomware developer is adding new tactics to their products, which includes search and destruction of backup. They are making it necessary for organizations to protect backups from ransomware.
The ransomware attack infects the data and the backup also. The firm has to pay ransom to recover the backup too. Here is how the ransomware attack works.
- Ransomware infects the system or endpoint through traditional methods.
- After entering the system, the ransomware doesn’t exploit for three to six months.
- It infects the data and the backup of the infected system.
- It stops the excess to the system and asks for a ransom.
- When the backup gets infected, the only way to recover the system is by paying the ransom payment.
Strengthening your backup defense against ransomware
A firm needs to have a secured backup from ransomware so that you can use the backup data when a ransomware attack infects you. They should have a secure backup platform and strategies on how to address the malware in the backup. There are various backup products available, which tend to do one of two on the system being backed up.
- They prevent your system by protecting the backup from a ransomware attack by filtering the malware from entering the backup of data.
- Other backup products only notify you when they see unusual activity or abnormal data in the backup system. In this case, you need to remove it and backup all the data again.
Organizations need to use any of the above for their backup defense to avoid ransomware entering their backup. Using the product to prevent the backup from ransomware is the best option. The second one will help in notifying you about unusual activity, but you need to be more active so that you can remove the malware on time.
To protect your backup, focus on the defense strategy that will help you in keeping much malware from getting into your system. You should focus on domain name system protection, email, web scanning, antivirus, and endpoint protection. Once you need notification about having malware in the backup, identify where the malware is located, exclude the file or folder where it is located.