Our Cyber Threat Assessment provides visibility into your network traffic. We strongly believe you will be shocked, as all of our clients have been in the past, with the type of information and findings in our report (see below) and at the number of malicious threats from foreign countries contained within your networks which are surveilling your confidential and Intellectual properties.
Here is summary of the shocking findings:
- There was noted a significant number of attackers from over 100 countries with backdoors into this company and gigabytes of data were transferred out of their networks daily
- Employees were uploading a high volume of confidential data and IP (use the full name for IP-define what it is) to international cloud storages
- Hundreds of spyware infected hosts were found upon this company’s servers with destinations to foreign countries
- Nearly 500 medium to high risk applications were found traversing their network
- Many viruses were discovered with lateral spread within their network
- A single company user engaged in over 400 Skype sessions to 40 countries (hosting a dating service) was detected
- Resource hungry social network applications were discovered hogging network bandwidths
- A Large subset of users were identified as “high-risk”
- There were many threat vectors bypassing this company’s firewalls
Yes, I want this!