The cybersecurity team at an organization can’t prevent activities which they can’t see. It is vital for the end users and managers to keep their security team update about their activities on data on different apps. It is the responsibility of the security team to empower the end users on how to treat data security within an organization.
To have a strong cybersecurity culture within an organization then these are the areas a CS team should concentrate to provide a strong cybersecurity culture.
Make security accessible
To create a strong security culture within an organization it is vital to make it accessible to every user. The employees should be confident and comfortable with the security information. It should be relatable to the users and easy to understand language.
The security language or method should be the same for everyone including the front-of-house staff, client presentation suites, audit team, tech team that’s helping clients through technical issues.
Provide continual awareness training
Providing security awareness program to the employees is very important. They should not be beaten on the head with security instead they should be engaged through different new ways. Try to make the training more interesting so that they should get more involved in it.
Another way to engage the users with security material is through messaging them from the leaders. It helps them to watch, read and listen to the security materials. The business information security officer must sit in the operational areas to encourage staff to participate in the process.
Partner with employees on shadow IT
The employee uses shadow IT intentionally to circumvent company policy or company security to perform their job better, faster, and easier. It is vital for the firm to make sure that their employees have every tool they require to do their jobs.
Shadow IT consist of SaaS services or unsanctioned applications which have a larger impactful shadow. Shadow can take any form like integrations into Slack, or browser extensions. The IT security team should keep it open for users to accept it because rejecting it will lead users to never telling IT what they are doing.
Demonstrate what good looks like
The CSO needs to be a good communicator and leader, who can easily communicate with the security team and employees. They need to change the mindset of the workers to change the culture of security. security should be a message across the organization in healthy and safe ways.